mikroBUS UPM Sensor

Tempurature Sensor

Code to interface Tempurature sensor(MCP9808):

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
import time, sys, atexit
from upm import pyupm_mcp9808 as MCP9808

def main():
    # Instantiate the Infrared-Thermopile Sensor on I2C on bus 1
    mySensor = MCP9808.MCP9808(2,0x18)

        print("Temperature : "+str(mySensor.getTemp()))


    # Print out temperature value and config-reg in hex every 0.5 seconds

if __name__ == '__main__':

To run the program, Step 1: save the file as mcp9808.py Step 2: Run the Program in the board's terminal using

python3 mcp9808.py

Readings of temperature looks like this:

Accelerometer Sensor

Code to interface Accelerometer Sensor (LSM6DSL):

from __future__ import print_function
import time, sys, atexit
from upm import pyupm_lsm6dsl as sensorObj

def main():
    # Instantiate a BMP250E instance using default i2c bus and address
    sensor = sensorObj.LSM6DSL(2,0x6b,-1)

    # For SPI, bus 0, you would pass -1 as the address, and a valid pin for CS:
     #LSM6DSL(0, -1, 10);

    # now output data every 250 milliseconds
    while (1):

        data = sensor.getAccelerometer()
        print("Accelerometer x:", data[0], end=' ')
        print(" y:", data[1], end=' ')
        print(" z:", data[2], end=' ')
        print(" g")

        data = sensor.getGyroscope()

To run the program, Step 1: save the file as lsm6dsl.py Step 2: Run the Program in the board's terminal using

python3  lsm6dsl.py

Readings of Accelerometer looks like this:

Humidity Sensor

Code to interface Humidity sensor (BME280):

from __future__ import print_function
import time, sys,atexit
from upm import pyupm_bmp280 as sensorObj

def main():
    # Instantiate a BME280 instance using default i2c bus and address
    sensor = sensorObj.BME280(2,0x76,-1)

    # For SPI, bus 0, you would pass -1 as the address, and a valid pin for CS:
    #BME280(3, -1, 60)

    while (1):

        print("Compensation Temperature:", sensor.getTemperature(), "C /", end='
        print(sensor.getTemperature(True), "F")

        print("Pressure: ", sensor.getPressure(), "Pa")

To run the program, Step 1: save the file as bme280.py Step 2: Run the Program in the board's terminal using

python bme280.py

Readings of Humidity, Temputature, Pressure from BME280 sensor looks like this:

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