Linux Commands

Hope you have installed Ubuntu Linux and successfully able to open Linux terminal.

Please Note: If you are using Windows OS, You can skip this step for now. But this commands will be used to play arround with ruggedBOARD-A5D2x. Because ruggedBOARD-A5D2x runs on Linux OS.

In your terminal, type

Ubuntu@pc:~$ ls

and hit enter.

The ls command, short for “list”, tells your computer to list all of the file names for the folder you are in


and hit enter. prints the current working directory.

Similarly Create your own Directory (Folder) called “Work”

Ubuntu@pc:~$ cd ~ Ubuntu@pc:~$ mkdir Work

Change your directory to Work //cd means change directory

Ubuntu@pc:~$cd Work

In similar way create few more directories under “Work” for ruggedBOARD Ex: Ubuntu@pc:~$ Work/ls

If you want to get more manual about any commands use Command called “man”

Syntax : Ubuntu@pc:~$ man command

Ex : Ubuntu@pc:~$ man mkdir

Similarly follow the other commands to get more hands-on the Linux-OS

Note: cd /bin -- you could find the all commands which are available in Ubuntu-OS

cp, mv , touch, find , grep, ps , chmod,......etc.

Last updated