Host requires 64-bit, Ubuntu-16.x.x (LTS versions).
To install Ubuntu, follow the link below.
After successes full installation Let us start Work with Linux – Ubuntu OS
Open up the application on your computer called “Terminal” by either pressing Control + Alt + T or by clicking the symbol at the top of the Ubuntu launcher and searching for “Terminal”.
It looks like this:
You can use the terminal to write commands to your computer (this is the “command line Interface of Ubuntu Operating System”). Let’s try it out!
In your terminal, type
Ubuntu@pc:~$ ls
and hit enter.
The ls command, short for “list”, tells your computer to list all of the file names for the folder you’re inside.
Ubuntu doesn’t come with all the prerequisite archives for the development, to prepare the host for development download the bash shell script which can be available from the link below.
Link to download
Download and execution steps of the script are as follows.
Ubuntu@pc:~$ gedit
Add the following code int the text editor (In my case it is gedit).
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git-core flex bison gperf libesd0-dev zip libwxgtk2.6-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential gettext texinfo
sudo apt-get -y install fakeroot gnupg libsdl1.2-dev squashfs-tools uboot-mkimage expect libncurses5-dev
sudo apt-get -y install minicom lrzsz tftpd-hpa nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap patch vim gawk
sudo apt-get -y install xinetd tftpd tftp qtcreator ctags quilt
echo; echo "your setup is completed “; echo; echo "all the best";
Save and Exit..........
Add executable permission to by “chmod”
Ubuntu@pc:~$ chmod +x
Type the following command to execute the script
Ubuntu@pc:~$ sh
Congratulations!! Your PC is now ready with Ubuntu-Linux basic prerequisite......
Note: If you are facing any difficulties in this step, visit our YouTube channel "ruggedboard" for video demonstrations.
Follow the next sections to understand Linux commands.